
Friday, December 4, 2020

Rainbow and the Serpent

 In the Afro Caribbean Diaspora, the rainbow and the serpent are Ayida and Danballa Wedo. Both Lwa (Spirits) were said to have been "there" at the beginning of creation. The Ancestors ride the back of Danballa, the white snake, thru the cosmos. The ideology that Danballa is a snake comes from the cosmological theories of the infinite vibrating and sign wave rhythmic pulse that is ever constant between the center of Mother Earth to the center of Father Sun. 

Danballa and Ayida has 2 sources of origin. Dan-Aida Hwedo from the Djinou tribe of MahiLand became the repository of unnamed royal Ancestors. Danbge, the serpent of Wydah who came to prominence with the conquest of Savi, where he served a similar role for the common people.

As we look upon the following article, keep in mind the serpent/rainbow connection is worldwide and revered in every indigenous tradition and culture as the "life rod" between the stars and Earth. The following article discusses the severity of honoring that connection in order to grow and expand our consciousness.

Aibobo pou Danballa et Ayida Wedo et tout esko Lwa-yo!

Janbe M'Ale Bon Houngan (Ryan Taylor)


The following is from Adam Shields


“Dear Brothers and Sisters

Please read this entire message carefully.

I have been instructed to provide clarity, for a specific shared intention for the Ceremony on the 21st December 2020. This is the intention given directly by Original People, Lore keepers. I am passing on their words.

I share this with pure love and energy, in an effort to provide clarity for those of you wishing to help and positively contribute to the Ceremony, and if you are wondering how you can do that.

Ten years ago, I was directly told, physically and in person, about this Ceremony, it’s purpose, the specific intention and the exact date from an Aunty who is directly involved in the Ceremony

Here is the guidance from Original People, directly involved in this Ceremony. We need to deeply listen and respect those who know exactly what is going on and what this Ceremony is for. They have prepared for this Ceremony for their whole lives. For many, many Generations.

These are their words;

We need to be truly focused on a singular, focused, specific thought, feeling and intention.

The purpose of this Ceremony is for the Rainbow Serpent to become the Rainbow Bridge, to rise up to connect with the light of the sun and go straight into the heart of Mother Earth. Cleansing, energizing and reinvigorating Mother Earth and ushering in a new era of consciousness for Mother, and her children.

To be clear ~ the focus is on Mother Earth, not on ourselves.

We need to focus on reinvigorating Mother Earth, and raising her consciousness. If this Ceremony is supported by enough pure love, energy, and support of the shared specific intention, it will be successful.

The byproduct of a successful Ceremony will be the new era of consciousness for Mother Earth and her Children. Us. We need to ensure our focus and love is on her, Mother Earth, and on this specific intention.

With a cleansed body, heart, mind, and soul the intention is:

~ A pure love for Mother in our heart as we ask to energize the heart of Mother Earth with our love and energy ~

With this pure intention, you can contribute to the energy of the Ceremony from wherever you are in such a positive way. You need not be at Uluru. You can do this from afar. And it will make a huge difference!! It is the energy the Ceremony needs to be able to work.

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