
Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Rhythm Cho

Hi everyone! This tutorial is a part of a series I called, The Hand Drummers Beginners Series. I am posting this video in particular because I wanted to show case to you the Afro Caribbean rhythm called "Cho" which is Kreyol for "hot". Every distinct rhythm used in spiritual traditions, regardless of the tradition or practice, has a divine connection to the Ancestors and the spirit guides as well as God/The Divine/Gran Met....whatever you prefer to call the Da, the all.

 This one pattern is merely one part of a much larger family or rite of rhythms, yet with setting a strong intention, connecting to your Ancestors, this pattern can assist in bringing your needs and healing to you much faster. By all means use this rhythm when serving your Ancestors, your Guides and most of all, God, the Gran Met.

Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or would like to learn more.


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