
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Passing down the knowledge

 My dear friend and student Harta Dunia in Sedona Arizona practicing with her Son the Elemental Rhythms we worked on some time ago. Nothing is more gratifying than to see us pass this sacred knowledge down to our youth. Thank you dear friend!

The Ancient ways teach us that our strength is found in the indigenous medicinal ways. Engaging in a self or group healing practice thru devotion and discipline increases our immune system and the body, mind and emotional states. 

Drumming had the same end result as yoga, prayer or any other Bhakti one consistently utilizes and makes part of their practice, their life. It's imperative that we share this knowledge with our youth and teach the up and coming generation, to continue that trend. Drumming should be practiced by all families worldwide, creating that network connection between individuals around the globe!



Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sacred Hand Drumming in the Desert

September 19th!

 Fire up the rhythm maker in you! Learn easy approaches to advanced drumming techniques.

Learn the basic building blocks to rhythm making and time keeping in a western and Afro Caribbean meter.

We cover proper drum care and storage. Learn about world rhythms.

We'll cover the rhythms of the Dagara in West Africa, Afro Haitian rhythms and middle eastern trance rhythms.

You'll learn sacred songs of Cuba, Haiti and the Lakota.

Our evening takes us into ceremony and trance dance. You'll apply the rhythms taught that day as we create sacred space and ceremony as practiced in the Caribbean.

Key take aways;

-trance and sacred healing rhythms

-learn to improvise

-time keeping

-at home healing rituals

How you'll benefit from our time together;

-create sacred space

-open and balance both brain hemispheres

-learn to create community and team leadership

-relieve chronic pain, depression and anxiety

-build a euphoric state and have fun!


Art of Sacred Hand Drumming Workshop

11am we begin   

12.30pm    to    1.30pm   Lunch  

3.00pm    to    3.30pm        Coffee Break  

5.00pm    to    6.30pm        Dinner Break

Ceremony and Ecstatic Dance

6.30pm    to    8.00pm        Full Moon Ceremony with Trance Dance

Ticketing fees:

Early bird rate    

Workshop only

Now to 31st August        $85

1st Sept to 18th Sept        $100

Workshop and Ceremony

Now to 31st August        $111

1st Sept to 18th Sept        $140

Ceremony only

Now to 31st August        $25

1st Sept to 18th Sept        $40

Ticketing link: 

Friday, August 20, 2021

Derrick in Texas

 Derrick has been working with me a while now. I threw at him the extremely technical rhythms of the Afro Haitian drumming and he's doing an amazing job! 

Raven in Dallas

 Raven took the one day hand drumming intensive and caught on super fast! She found her place on the drum in no time at all. She's doing amazing work! 

Julie in Chicago

 Check this out. My amazing student in Chicago who has never played an instrument is progressing at such a rapid rate and finding her place with the drum. She spent the day with me for a crash course intensive and is truly a gem and coming along so well!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Full day drum lessons

 DFW Friends, I'm now offering private all day sessions for individuals and families. We'll begin in the morning with a variety of drum practices, beats and techniques. We'll break for lunch (my treat), then move on in the afternoon with a little more advanced lessons, reviews and finish the day with some drum shopping. 

This is your chance to practice and play in the comforts of home, park or wherever you wish!

Feel free to reach out to me in a PM and we'll get your Drum Day going!





Elemental Drumming

 Gang, have you ever heard of finding and living out your life's purpose by playing specific drum rhythms?

Sounds intriguing right?

In the West African Nation of Burkina Faso, they have long lived by using an ancient elemental system that brings balance, harmony and purpose to every single life in the village. This culture is known as the Dagara.

Everyone in the world has a sacred element that directs their life and divines ones purpose in life. We find our element by revealing the last digit of your birth year.

Here's how it is set up, if your birth year ends with

 0 or 5 you are Earth; nurturing, love, abundance

 1 or 6 you are Water; healing and reconciliation

 2 or 7 you are Fire; creation and spiritual gate keeper

 3 or 8 you are Nature; humor, changes in life cycle

 4 or 9 you are Mineral; teachers and record keeper

As it turns out, each element has its own drum rhythm, that when played, opens your divine purpose in life. 

I'm reaching out to offer the sharing of these rhythms with all who want to know more about their role in life and to take their drumming deeper. 

If you're interested in learning more, please feel free to contact me and we can set up some lessons for you!

Looking forward to drumming with you!




Monday, August 9, 2021

Corporate Drumming

 Along with healing and community drumming, I also offer drumming for the corporate sector. 

What you may not know, is the group drumming can save your thousands of dollars annually on physical and health benefit coverage for you and your employees! Curious as to what those drums can do? Let's connect!


My name is Ryan Taylor. I am the Founder of Sacred Rhythms and Ryan Taylor Drum, a vision of combining ancient and modern modalities geared to the improvement of self, group and corporate structure by harnessing the power of rhythm and group music making along with ancient indigenous and Shamanic practices used by many populations around the world regardless of age, race, economic status or ethnicity.  This is all accomplished through group drumming, rhythm making and infusing techniques from the Shamanic principles of Haiti, Africa and Native America. Research shows these cultures have held a collective group and cohesiveness by using the means taught to them and now those ideologies are being passed down to achieve more success, direction, team work, prosperity and clarity.

These methods are extremely effective for companies that want to enhance the generation of new ideas and better teamwork. When people discover that they can collectively produce a good rhythm without any musical training or background, and with the use of positive direction based on ancient Shamanic principles, they start to realize that they can be more effective at work by putting their heads together and working as a team.

 People learn that playing/working together is something that is its own reward because the results are beyond what any individual can do. We believe that harnessing ancient ideologies for today's modern world can begin to rebuild the morale and work ethic.

After having been in the Corporate World as a Quality Engineer in many disciplines, I found it was time to move out of that role and step into something more community driven using my talents and insights. Music, drumming to be more specific, has been a talent of mine for 40 years. Along with that, I took one of those "searching within you" trips to Africa and Haiti. My goal was to dig deeper within me, as my place in life had me feeling stuck, non productive and that aspect was hitting on all parts of life. I came across medicine diviners in both location who tapped into my abilities as a teacher and story teller. These amazing indigenous Shamans trained me in the ways of using the drum to heal and connect. Not only that, I was shown the ways of being able to tap into the psyche and guide folks to fulfil their positive directive. I'm now utilizing this gift in the corporate arena. We all have questions regarding our business, perhaps a little boost from the Shamanic means may be of assistance.

Benefits of Drumming

 Hello all. For years I've been expressing my passion for the drum and drumming as a group in all arenas of life. 

Today I wanted to share WHY we need drumming. Like Yoga, Meditation, dance, movement, sex and spiritually, the drum brings us closer on all three levels of the BMS system (body, mind, soul).

After doing some research I put together some of the main key points of the drum and why YOU should be drumming too.


Playing drums relieves stress. It's a great physical workout. It helps build coordination. It increases development in various regions of the brain.

Recent research indicates that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and assists in releasing emotional trauma. Drumming has a positive effect on anxiety, grief, fatigue, depression and behavioral issues.

Drumming is a challenging workout that can burn hundreds of calories. ... But as drummers keep the beat behind their kit, or on their Hand Drum,  they're also burning calories at an elevated rate. While few people might take up drumming to lose weight, playing this instrument can burn enough calories to keep you in shape.

Drumming Burns Calories, Builds Muscle And Gets Your Heart Pumping. ... According to BBC news, an hour of drumming burns more calories than running, aerobics or weight lifting.

The act of playing, especially vigorous drumming, helps you to burn calories, builds muscles and increases stamina. Drumming also increases heart rate and blood flow – all that while you're focused on keeping the beat, so you probably won't even build up a sweat. 


Research by the Royal College of Music has found that drumming has a positive impact on mental health, with a 10-week programme of group drumming reducing depression by as much as 38% and anxiety by 20%.

Drumming is a great way to tackle stress and anxiety with research showing us that participating in group drumming activity boosts the body's production of feel good endorphins.

According to Dr. Barry B. Bittman, drumming circles help boost the immune system and promote physical healing. Drum therapy encourages people to release inner trauma through physical movement and meditative rhythms, as well as bringing people together.

People who play drums regularly for years differ from unmusical people in their brain structure and function. The results of a new study suggest that they have fewer, but thicker fibers in the main connecting tract between the two halves of the brain. In addition, their motor brain areas are organized more efficiently.

Drummers presented clear differences in the front part of the corpus callosum, a brain structure that connects the two hemispheres and whose front part is responsible for motor planning. The data indicated that the drummers had fewer but thicker fibres in this important connecting tract between the brain hemispheres.


Drumming directly supports the introduction of spiritual factors found significant in the healing process. ... Drumming can help people express and address emotional issues. Unexpressed feelings and emotions can form energy blockages. The physical stimulation of drumming removes blockages and produces emotional release.

Shamanic and Spirit Drumming is rhythmic form of connection. Its purpose is to induce a range of ecstatic trance states in order to connect with the spiritual dimension of reality.

While many of us may now think of drumming as a secular activity, the activity is rooted in the spiritual realm. Even today, in parts of the world where the origins of an instrument's use may be remembered and the traditional ways followed, we find that spiritual offerings and rituals are still followed.

Whether discussing the didgeridoo or the drum, percussion instruments have always played a central role in ceremonies. For this reason, the spiritual connection of drumming should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the history of the instrument.

The djembe drum, in particular, has an interesting spiritual connection with which many lovers of djembe may not be familiar. In West Africa, where the djembe holds a special significance, the drum would have been the domain of a special caste of people called the Jeli. The Jeli were essentially a group of artists who roamed the lands keeping the histories of the people alive. They were djembe drummers, storytellers, and vocalists given the honor of maintaining the oral traditions. Their sole purpose was to create music and retell the stories of the great Mali empire.

Due to the significance of the role of the Jeli in West African life, the musicians were highly trained and skilled. They also took seriously the spiritual connection of drumming. The tree from which the djembe drum would be made was given offerings, as was the animal from which the head would come. Because the drum would speak and bear significance on the direction of people’s lives, the spiritual nature of the drum and the materials used for its construction took on a significance modern day drummers may find difficult to comprehend.

The person who constructed the djembe was once considered part of the spiritual essence of the drum, as well. The Jeli were considered skilled enough to be able to bring forth the magical qualities of the drum. The Jeli was comprised of three, specific roles. The Kuma told the stories, the Donkili sang the songs, and the Maninka played the drum and other instruments. The Jeli still retain a prominent role in West African life, telling the histories during ceremonies and celebrations.

While these days we may not place much emphasis on who can or cannot be a djembe drummer, traditionally the instrument has had a spiritual significance. While many of us are fine with the way things are, those of us who feel the spiritual connection of drumming should feel free to explore it. After all, that is the origin of the drum and making that connection could help improve our drumming and, possibly, our lives.

Mission as a Healing Drummer

 Ok guys so my mission behind the drumming and rhythm that I share with all people is to create a network community, a tribe if you will. One that spans borders. 

We're all inherent beings of rhythm and sound. It's our nature, our primordial instinct. It's that instinct that brings us together. Unifying in peace, rhythm, vibration and movement is by far the most powerful form of Divine connection and self/group healing.

I invite all my relations to join me in this mission to get our power back thru raising our vibration.

Are you ready to create the new movement?

This is our medicine

This is our power

This is our choice

This is our right.






Sunday, January 31, 2021

Ryan Taylor Drum Academy


Ryan Taylor Drum Academy

The Ryan Taylor Drum Academy is a people based platform put together with the goal of creating a stronger more vibrant community with everyone in mind. In many indigenous cultures, drum and dance were the most powerful means of healing, understanding, communicating, and coming together to resolve differences. Today these methods still hold true. Drumming has been proven to create equality, level the playing field and build a sense of teamwork. RTDrum takes the principles and the folkloric drum and song to continue this communal practice. RTDrum Academy is based on the ideologies of the Afro Caribbean community and spiritual ethics. That all men, women and children are created equally. No one should ever go without. At RTDrum, our philosophy is no different. By way of teaching Afro Haitian folkloric drum, song and the history of the spiritual culture, our goal is to create a safe haven for all peoples to find self strength, empowerment, and build confidence within and teach better community service. It is these principles that sets this ancient methodology apart from the modern world. RTDrum Academy creates ancient medicine for the modern world. 

 No experience is necessary. All ages are welcome. 

RTDrum Academy is a vision I've had for many years and it had now come to fruition. 

I'm honored to have you join the RTD family and begin building with me a stronger more compassionate community. 

Just a bit about myself; I have been a drummer for 40 years, Afro Caribbean Elder for 10 years, musical instructor and drum circle facilitator for 15 years. I've been blessed to have traveled the world sharing this work. My studies in Afro Haitian drumming began 16 years ago. I underwent several initiations into the culture and lineage and have found those principles to be very much in line with how the modern world should be. 

Now I with great excitement look to share these with you!





Find your purpose

 Gang! Have you ever heard of playing a drum beat to get you in touch with your inner self and purpose? Each one of us represent a different element in the cosmological order of life. Each element has its own sacred rhythm. Classes are starting up at online that cover all of these beats. 

Let's get y'all signed up and ready to go! No experience is necessary. 

2142238455 to get you started






