
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

People of Mineral

 Mineral is the storage place of memory, the principle of creativity, resources, stories, and symbolism.  In the cosmological wheel, mineral is located in the west and is colored white. The elemental energy allows us to receive messages from the Other World, and to remember our origins and purpose in this life. In Dagara physiology, our bones, not the brain, are the storage place of memory.  In the village, it is not uncommon to hear an elder say, “This is in our bones as it was in the bones of our ancestors.”  In the West, there is a similar saying, “I knew it in my bones,” which refers to a deeper, more elemental knowing than is possible through rational thought. To the indigenous person, mineral is also equivalent to stone.  As they say, the bones of the earth are the stones and rocks we see.  To know the true story of our earth, including the story of ourselves, is to listen to the rocks.

Mineral is about communicating, the ability to translate things, the ability to converse. It has a lot to do with social connections. A lot of Mineral people are relatively talkative. In the indigenous world they are the Storytellers, the Great Communicators. Mineral is also something that we must see in terms of the conveying of energy, to convey energy that comes through you on its way somewhere else. This is why any person who is a Mineral person is supposed to be running energy, whether it is through your hands or your body or whatever. Mineral people are also recognized as Stone people–not that they’re stone but because the stone is seen as the one that stores information. They say if you want to know the story of the earth, listen to the stones or listen to the rocks.

Mineral People

Born in the years ending in 4 and 9, mineral people have great social skills. They're excellent communicators and listeners and thrive when it comes to relationships and connecting with others. Mineral people love to teach, speak and tell stories because they carry the ancient energy of remembering. Therefore, they have powerful memories. So, you'll find that mineral people are usually fascinated with myths, legends, rituals, traditions, metaphors, symbols, songs and poems

A mineral person should also know that the answers they seek are always within themselves and not "out there". They understand that they already possess the wisdom they're seeking.  They usually contain a knowing that is deeper than rational thought and exists within the minerals of their bones. Just like a crystal, our bones contain ancient wisdom, history and information that has been passed down to us throughout many lifetimes. A person in touch with mineral knows how to access this knowledge within them.

Non-mineral people often get frustrated with mineral people because they enjoy the art of debating and arguing. They like to use eloquent language and take their time to "get to the point". They crave deep and meaningful conversations.

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