
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Is Your Heart In It?

So many times we come across folks who want to belong or fit in. See here in the West, we have a lack of Mentors, Leaders and so on. When there is a shortage of said people, the rest of us look to someone to mentor us. It's becoming quite the epidemic.

As a result, we begin to look at other cultures to see what we can "borrow" from our brothers and sisters around the world to make us feel whole. This begins the action of Cultural Appropriation.

Here's where I'm going;

One of the many ways we play the CA game is by learning the music and dance of a culture we like because that culture has color, rhythm, beat, dance and connection. These are the things we lack and desire and in order for us to feel as though we belong AND to look like we're doing something different and cool to others, we "learn" these incredibly beautiful cultures.

Cultural appropriation is a superficial interest in another culture just for the purposes of fulfilling egoic desires. Whereas, a true love of another culture involves respect, embrace, and diving deep into a learning driven by a higher passion.

So many people are showing interests in African drumming. Now hang on before you say anything! I LOVE and truly RESPECT African style drumming. As a matter of fact, African and Haitian drumming is what introduced me to the world of drumming that I do today and have done over the last 15 years. I was a rock drummer for many years (30 to be exact) before learning the indigenous styles. But check this out, here's what I learned playing the minimal amount of rhythms that I've learned. These rhythms have actually taught me to find my true self. What I call, my PowerRhythm.

My goal here is to aim people in that same direction. I couldn't fathom the idea of taking folks away from the African drum practice by any means, especially if they're in it for the right reasons. For growth, expansion, community, love, Spirit, family, the list goes on. For to me, THAT is what African drumming is about. It's not a latest trend, or the next cool thing to learn just because it makes you look cool to your friends. Do it for the right reasons. Or, like me, play the beats you learn from these indigenous traditions with a full heart and the purest of intentions and actually watch something inside of you manifest! 

So is your heart in in for the right reason? I get it, drumming is fun. Trust me after 36 years of playing, I know just how exciting and empowering it can be. The African rhythms that are being spread everywhere are to be respected, honored and revered as a very high means of Spiritual connection. Not the latest thing.

So I ask you to challenge yourself. Is your heart in the right place when it comes to the drums?

I say learn whatever style you can, from any culture. But then use that style to achieve the actual purpose of the rhythms you're learning. Those rhythms you're learning are for the greater good of humanity. Show respect to ALL drumming styles and watch the bliss unfold in front of you!

My next blog will be about Spirit Drumming, which is a conglomeration of various world rhythms fused in with our own "Soul Inspired" beats. Love the rhythms you love to play.

Drum on!!!!

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